• Question: If your muscles grow quicker than the rest of you would you be in intense pain?

    Asked by knarfnerol to Audra, Fiona, Gavin, Justin, Steve on 14 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Justin Lawley

      Justin Lawley answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      Interting, I have never thought about it. I could see why you would be in pain as bigger muscles would pull on the tendons and ligaments more than they would normally. But I just don’t know. Maybe there is a medical condition that involves rapid muscle growth. I will ask one of the medical students today if they know of any conditions.

    • Photo: Fiona Hatch

      Fiona Hatch answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      When you asked that question the first thing I thought of was The Hulk! 😀

      I don’t know of any disease where this happens nor do I think this would be possible. If your muscles were growing quicker than anything else then yes you would be in intense pain. Mainly because if your skin was not growing either then your muscles would stretch your skin and you would soon explode which would be very painful!

      Usually if your muscles are growing very fast then your body will also change. For example your skin would grow and become more stretchy. Your bones will become stronger and longer (you become taller) so you can have more muscle attached to it.

      But like Justin I can only guess the answer.
