• Question: What is the average lifespan of a human and which country has the highest lifespan?

    Asked by joshuawrightiisawesome135797531exe23exe to Fiona on 9 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Fiona Hatch

      Fiona Hatch answered on 9 Mar 2012:

      The average lifespan of a human depends on what country they live in, their access to health care and to medicine, so I cannot give you an answer for a global average human lifespan. But
      an interesting fact is that 100 years ago (1900’s), the average lifespan was 47 years of age, now in 2004 that average lifespan was 80 years of age. So in a 100 years of science, we have increased our lifespan by 33 years! This is for the USA only.

      The country with highest average lifespan is Japan. This has an average lifespan of 82 years of age. The country with the lowest lifespan is in Africa – Swaziland – with an average lifespan of 31 years. That is a massive difference!! Which goes to show how lifestyle and health can affect how long you live!
