• Question: wht is the funniest thing u have ever done

    Asked by laurenmorrison1 to Audra, Fiona, Gavin, Justin, Steve on 16 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Fiona Hatch

      Fiona Hatch answered on 15 Mar 2012:

      The funniest thing I’ve done was played a prank on one of the scientists that work in the lab with me. We use rats for our experiments and give them some food that is really high in sugar and fat (to see how they grow) and so I took some of the rat food and offered it to my friend telling him it was a sweet. He ate it! I couldn’t stop laughing for hours!

      The most fun thing I’ve done recently has been when I went to Alton Towers for the weekend, I really like all the rides there. Hopefully over Easter I plan to go to Thorpe park as well.

    • Photo: Gavin Devereux

      Gavin Devereux answered on 16 Mar 2012:

      Hello. Mmmm, I can be a clumsy idiot, so there’s a lot to choose from (and some might not be suitable for here :D).

      One funny thing which photographic evidence exists for is a hair dye incident.

      Years ago, I was on a snowboarding trip with friends. One day, the risk of avalanche was too great for the ski lifts to open, so we had a day in the town.

      For some reason (boredom probably), we thought it would be a good idea to dye our hair. As we were in Switzerland, all the instructions were in German, which none of us could read. Also, we’d not dyed our hair before, so we didn’t really know what to do (other than stick it on, leave it for a bit, wash it out).

      Oh dear. I honestly can’t describe the colour that my hair turned. I sort of looked like Garfield the cat, as it had some very bright orange, with some very white blonde bits in odd places (but bizarrely some bits stayed dark).

      My school’s head of year wasn’t too impressed when term started again.
