• Question: Can someone create a man-made volcano?

    Asked by indianchicken to Audra, Fiona, Gavin, Justin, Steve on 14 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Fiona Hatch

      Fiona Hatch answered on 14 Mar 2012:

      The earth’s surface is made up of thin plates which are moving against each other. Sometimes these plates rub against each other, this causes earthquakes. Sometimes one of the plates consumes the other and causes one to move higher up, this creates mountains and also volcanoes.

      I have not heard of any man-made volcanoes, nor do I think this would be possible due to how massive they are and how hot!

      But volcanoes in the middle of the sea can create islands. For example Hawaii was made by a volcano. Humans are now trying to do the same thing by building up islands on top of old volcanoes so that we can have more land to live on.

      So we don’t really have man-made volcanoes but we do have man-made islands on top of old volcanoes.
