• Question: how were diseases made?

    Asked by 10flrahmab to Audra, Fiona, Justin on 22 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Fiona Hatch

      Fiona Hatch answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      Not too sure what kind of diseases you mean. But diseases are just from other organisms that are trying to survive. Nearly all bacteria and virus’s needs to be inside another organism to survive.

      But a lot of diseases have just evolved because it feeds off us. So a lot of bacterial infections happen because the bacteria feeds off us and so to survive the bacteria needs to infect more people. Same with most virus’s they need to be inside a human (also called a host) for them to survive, so they try their best to infect as many people as possible.

    • Photo: Justin Lawley

      Justin Lawley answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      viruses and bacteria can also survive inside other animals not just humans. This is why people get worried when birds flu is identified in other countries.
