• Question: is milk better than lucazade(e.t.c) when you exersize

    Asked by lime1998coolioreginaldyo to Audra, Fiona, Gavin, Justin on 21 Mar 2012. This question was also asked by purplemouse1998niamhcoolio.
    • Photo: Fiona Hatch

      Fiona Hatch answered on 21 Mar 2012:

      Out of those two, lucozade is probably best for when you exercise. It’ll provide you with more energy and allow you to perform better. It will also give you back any sodium you lost while sweating during exercising.

      But on a healthy basis, its good to get protein into your body (milk) as that is what your muscles will use to grow and repair after exercise. Also milk gives you calcium which is used not only for your bones but also muscle growth as well.

      So the best thing would be to drink lucozade (only if you need it) for energy during exercise. And then later on after exercise drink milk to help repair your muscles and help them grow.

    • Photo: Justin Lawley

      Justin Lawley answered on 21 Mar 2012:

      It depends on the exercise. If you are doing exercise that is less than one hour I wouldn’t bother drinking either you have enough energy in you body ad long as you are eating a normal diet. Just drink water and make sure you have a carbohydrate meal say pasta as soon as you can afterwards. If you are doing hard exercise over an house the. Yes you want to take on a drink that is high in carbohydrate but try and avoid commercial drinks like fizzy Lucazade. There are proper sports drinks companies like Torq fittness. Remember this is only if you are doing high intensity over 1 hour exercise. Also if you are trying to burn fat then you want to stay away from lucazade before or during exercise. Your body has an amazing ability to preferentially use the fuel source you rescently ate. Lucazade is manly carbohydrate and not fat. Also milk contains a lot of fat well the. Lie top milk does anyway. Even scientist disagree sometimes lol
