• Question: What is the longest distance a human being can sprint for?

    Asked by fishyninja99 to Audra, Fiona, Gavin, Justin on 22 Mar 2012.
    • Photo: Fiona Hatch

      Fiona Hatch answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      Don’t know the answer to this unfortunately. But it will not be too far as a sprint takes too much energy. Probably 400m is the extreme – also matters how fast they’re running.

    • Photo: Justin Lawley

      Justin Lawley answered on 22 Mar 2012:

      yes it depends on your definition of sprinting. If i remember correctly, even top 100m sprinters slow down over 100m. so there can not even maintain maximum spped over this distance. But then again compared to me, a matharon runner is sprinting and they can go for hours.
